RaspBerryPI Mainboard e Componenti

Raspberry Pi Expansion/Evaluation Board with I2C SPI 8IO UART LCD Interfaccia + joystick + 8 led - DVK511Raspberry Pi Expansion/Evaluation Board with I2C SPI 8IO UART LCD Interfaccia + joystick + 8 led - DVK511
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DIY Raspberry PI Expansion Prototyping Board - Black Rapsberry PI ShieldDIY Raspberry PI Expansion Prototyping Board - Black Rapsberry PI Shield
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Netcore NW337 150M Mini USB Adattatore II portable wifi wireless cardNetcore NW337 150M Mini USB Adattatore II portable wifi wireless card
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iPazzPort mini wireless Tastiera and mouse, free drive, plug and play special for raspberry PI and pcduinoiPazzPort mini wireless Tastiera and mouse, free drive, plug and play special for raspberry PI and pcduino
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Adattatore Tf Card a SD Card per Raspberry piAdattatore Tf Card a SD Card per Raspberry pi
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T-GPIO Adattatore board+FC-26P Cavo for Raspberry PIT-GPIO Adattatore board+FC-26P Cavo for Raspberry PI
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Micro USB for Raspberry PIMicro USB for Raspberry PI
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Raspberry PI pure Alluminio Dissipatore kitRaspberry PI pure Alluminio Dissipatore kit
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iBox - Case - Box - Enclosure - for the Raspberry Pi ComputeriBox - Case - Box - Enclosure - for the Raspberry Pi Computer
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5V 2A Power for Raspberry PI5V 2A Power for Raspberry PI
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Miniature WiFi (802.11b/g/n) Modulo: For Raspberry PiMiniature WiFi (802.11b/g/n) Modulo: For Raspberry Pi
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